Litecoin Price (LTC) $78.87
$-4.04 (-5.12%) last 24 hours
Litecoin MWEB Balance
Litecoin MWEB Balance Chart
29,842.97832590 LTC
275.12011695 LTC (+0.93%) last 24 hours
Litecoin Blockchain Stats (latest block) Block Height: 2,677,301 04-30-2024 09:24:17 UTC Block Reward: 6.25000000 LTC Block Fees: 0.00082022 LTC Median Fee Paid: 0.00000700 LTC Transactions: 107 Transaction Volume: 29,953.87585906 LTC Hashrate: 1.15 PH/s Difficulty: 38.31 M
Litecoin MWEB Stats (last 24 hours) MWEB Transactions: 78 Average Size: 99 bytes Kernels: 52 Peg Ins: 18 Peg Outs: 23 MWEB Inputs: 54 MWEB Outputs: 78 Average MWEB Balance: 29,654.89368287 LTC

Litecoin MWEB Charts

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